Cookie Policy

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A. What are cookies?

Cookies are pieces of information coming from visited websites and stored on the user’s device. Each cookie contains different data and has a different duration, after which it is no longer submitted to the website of origin. Cookies can be used, for example, to store browsing preferences such as language, theme and accessibility options, measure technical and traffic performance in aggregate form or, in some cases, track user behavior to offer a personalized browsing experience.

The different types of cookies used on this website are described below.

B. Technical and analytical cookies

This website makes use of a technical cookie to store the user’s consent to the use of other cookies. Google Analytics is also used in order to monitor the website performance and the number of visitors. Such information is collected anonymously and in aggregate form.

C. Profiling

This website does not use first or third party profiling cookies.

D. Cookies used by this website

Name Type Duration Description
cookie-law Technical 6 months Store cookie preferences
gat_gtag_UA* Analytics 1 minute Google Analytics (Policy)
_ga Analytics 2 years Google Analytics (Policy)
_gid Analytics 24 hours Google Analytics (Policy)

Note: cookies may be subject to change over time. We will periodically review and update the table above.

It is possible to manage cookies directly from your browser settings. For more information, please refer to the websites of the major browsers: