Nowadays, companies have to acquire novel knowledge to face new decisive challenges, such as sustainable development or compliance with new regulations, that involve complex adaptation paths.

Training plays a fundamental role in the creation of skills, both within companies and for those professionals who want to be a reliable reference point for their customers in the issues of today.

ESG Cert can contribute to the creation of the figures of ESG Expert and Resilience and Compliance Manager. ESG Cert offers remote training courses, webinars, meetings with tutors, as well as courses tailored to each Company.

The main recipients of this service are:

  • Companies that have produced sustainability reports by relying on external advisors and that decide to train an internal subject;
  • Companies whose customers require evidence of their commitment to ESG matters and that decide to train an internal figure to interact and maintain relationships with them;
  • Professionals who want to provide advisory services on ESG matters;
  • Professionals who want to become Auditors and work for entities which evaluate and certify ESG ratings;
  • Professional firms and business consultants that want to better understand how to integrate financial information with data on sustainability and need to acquire the necessary skills.

Private Standards

Certification, verification and validation