ESG Cert

Sustainability, Certification, Verification, Validation

— A new Vision

A look into the future

The great changes that will involve all social and economic aspects of the lives of people around the world are clearly addressed by the ESG factors.

Everyone will declare their contributions and impacts differently. There will be a need for subjects able to guarantee that such claims are plausible and reliable, in order to prevent false information from untruthfully representing the commitment to the transition process.

In fact, transparency and sustainability are strictly coupled.

This is why ESG Cert was born, a trustworthy subject which guarantees that claims made by each subject are truthful and reliable.

Discover our services


We provide certification, verification, validation and attestation services through our network of accredited certification bodies

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ESG Services

We operate as a guarantee element in the validation, verification and certification of ESG schemes belonging to us and third parties

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Private Standards

We provide our services for proprietary schemes, protocols and programs in a variety of industries

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We offer training courses to companies and professionals interested in the figures of ESG Expert and Resilience and Compliance Manager

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— Contacts

Contact us and find out how we can help you